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Frequently Asked Questions
How much is the course? Are there additional costs?
$129 Per Seat. Textbooks are $84.95 and can be ordered at the textbook link above. NECC Certification exam is $25 online fee for students. Teachers owning a 9-1-1 Reality Simulator no cost. Non Owners $350. Certification is ONE time and online for teachers.
Where do I find full information about the NECC Certification exam
Here you can find out about your state requirements and who is hiring for 9-1-1 in your state.
Where did this course come from?
An advisory board of 9-1-1 professional educators created this curriculum using a DACUM process at Renton Technical College. The textbook was written by Sue Pivetta who was the teacher of the 500 hour vocational education course and a former Comm Center Supervisor.
How long is the course?
The length of the course is determined by the school, college or Comm Center. The only requirement is that all 10 units of study are covered in the course leading to the final online exam NECC.
Can individual learners sign up for this course?
No, we do not instruct individuals. We can connect you to schools both private and public that you can enroll in the course. If there is not one in your area you can contact your local college or high school and tell them about this course. Contact us at [email protected].
9-1-1 Is a GREAT career. Great pay and benefits as well as work you can be proud of. With this course your grads will be competitive in hiring and thrive in the rigorous training at the Comm Center. We have courses for high school and expanded curriculum for vocational colleges. Comm Centers could use this course as their entry level foundation, self directed learning. Courses can also be customized to fit your needs. Thank you for considering helping 9-1-1 receive the respect due the awesome work.